To Change or not to Change? it good for us or is it better to be consistent? I have been thinking a lot about how everything is changing all the time and how ritual and tradition can be a constant in our lives so how we can come to depend on some things being steady and familiar. On the other hand, I wonder if our traditions and rituals hold us back from growth? If we are always doing things the same way, do we leave room for changes and for growth to happen? Can consistency get in the way?

Over the past couple of months there has been a lot of change in my life. I usually go with the flow and embrace change, as a matter of fact stagnancy is one of my pet peeves! In this particular case the challenges have rocked me. I have been off balance and trying to figure out why and how to get back on track. I know that I am not alone in this scenario, many of us have had life situations that throw us off track. When I took a closer look I realized that it isn’t the situation that has me off balance it is that I have allowed the situation to get me out of my ritual and my routine.

During these recent months of change my foundation felt broken and it has been difficult for me to just go with the flow. It has been challenging to keep with my routines and my schedule. I took a little time off to take care of myself and all of the things I need to do to pack up my home and move after 21 years. Don't worry I am staying in Boca, just doing a little downsizing as I move into the next chapter of my life. This transition has made me think about change and I realize how important this question is. How much change is good and how much do we need things to stay the same? It has made me evaluate the many aspects of my life and see how my rituals and traditions play out in my own growth and development. I was not eating and sleeping normally and haven’t been getting on the mat as often as I like, everything was feeling hectic and stressful. I am so grateful for my years of practice for making me aware of the subtleties that are happening beneath the surface. I have kept one thing consistent throughout this whole chapter and that is my meditation practice. I believe that my rituals have created my foundation. Things like family time, home, yoga, meditation, proper sleep and eating habits, and continuing to be of service in the community are the things that keep me on track.

What I have learned is that with all the change happening around us every day - we still have the power to create a steady foundation for ourselves. There is true value in having stability that you can count on that has nothing to do with anyone or anything, but instead a feeling that exists within you. We can always turn to our daily routines, like our yoga and meditation to help us realize that the things that really matter will remain the same. If I maintain my rituals and my traditions to the best of my ability, I can face the future with grace and ready for all that awaits me, my family and this beautiful community.

So, when life feels stagnant, we can seek change and when life is changing, we can reach for stability. What I know for sure is that my rituals must be with me no matter what... If I ever feel off it is because I have stepped away from my foundation and no matter what I can find my way back. So again, I ask you how do you feel about CHANGE? Is it better to stay in our ritual and be consistent or be able to go with the flow? Was it life that was off track or maybe was it you that got off track? These are great questions to ask yourself and I would love to hear your thoughts on balancing change and consistency.

Hope to see you on the mat or in meditation this month. If you are doing summer travel remember that you can tune in live or on demand for free on, Facebook, Livestream or Youtube.


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